Hello everyone,
This is my intro thread/I wanna participate too thread, lol.
I became a Tyson Ibele fan boy recently after finding his website, and this forum. I trolled around for a bit and realized this is an awesome forum that needs more activity, so I want to participate too!
My name is Ray, and I am studying Computer Science and 3D animation in Sunny Las Vegas, Nevada (No, I don't live in a casino lol).
I am an intermediate max user, that is what we use at school, but I should probably learn Maya one of these days lol.
As for the project. I want to add a bit of artistic license, and make the scene have a kind of a dark noir crime scene feel. Since this is all about lighting and shading, I am going to try and do it using only good mood lighting and texturing as much as possible.
Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone else,