Richard 1,943 posts
Hi there,
I believe you want to know how to give Specular Bloom to an object in a very simple way, well here you go :
First, select the object that you want, then right click it to go and see it's properties. Once you're there, in the G-Buffer (above the motion blur settings), you will see that there is a setting called Object ID. Set it to 1 (or whatever number you want to use)
Then go Rendering > effects
In the window that pops up, in the effects roll out click add and select "Lens Effects". Then in the Lens Effecs Parameters click on glow and press on that little arrow.
Your almost done now. In the glow element roll out, click on the option tab, under image sources tick Object ID and set to 1 (or what ever number you used) then under image filters un-tick them all and tick hue, then set it's value to a 100. And at last, go back in the parameters and set the size to a low value (e.g.: 0.5)
That's mainly it, now it's just a matter of how much you mess around with these settings. It shouldn't take you that long until you get what you want... I personally got better result by also tick edge an not just hue and in the parameters tab give "use source color" a value of a 100.
i'll post pics as soon as possible to make it more clear.
hype 2,964 posts
anyone ever tried Jon Bell's script that shipped with the Killer Tips book? i haven't.
that always looked like a pretty good, easy way.
this is nice, Richard! doesn't require a script, and alot of us are probably already familiar with the glow panel.
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Hey man....vvvvvvvvvvvvveeery cool! I've never heard of that method and it's great that you don't need a script for it!
Thanks for posting it bro
kawin_cfc 6 posts
hi i have a link to download bloom effect script
http://www.max2themax.com/download/Rend ... arBloom.ms
i hope u love it
(after u runscript u'll see it in render effect )
n3Xus 1 posts
finally i found a tut on how to make bloom
nice one
nice - but never ever render fx as part of the raw render. always render in passes. passes can be daunting to understand - but maybe just keep it down to two. one 'beauty render' of waht ever...your teapot. then a spec pass or keylight pass. then in photoshop or comp package of your choice - you can crush teh values of the spec pass, blur with a nice bokeh filter blur, ad screen it over top. then when your mate says ' i dont like the blooming' - you can just turn the layer down a touch ...or off. with no re-renders