Richard 1,943 posts
here is our next modeling challenge...
you have an hour to model anything that has to do with fast food restaurants..
you can have many objects as long as you don't spend more than an hour for all of them (fries 14 minutes+drink 5minutes+burger 30 minutes=49minutes) and they have to be posted in the same pic...
Rememeber to post a wireframe of your model along with how much time you spent working on it
Happy modelling and post your entries bellow!
Cameron 2,374 posts
Nice topic, and lols I get it, fast food in a speed challenge...
kilroy 787 posts
cool, i can just re-use the same model from the last challenge.....
zachm 1,230 posts
when does it start? i'd like to set aside an hour for this.
Richard 1,943 posts
it started allready!
waiting for enteries....
we have about a month for this one..
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
wow dam too busy i will try to get some time to do this, hey when is this ending?
Richard 1,943 posts
hype 2,964 posts
Cameron 2,374 posts
hype 2,964 posts
Cameron 2,374 posts
isnt it what happens when u blend purple cauliflower?
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
omg cam wth do you eat.
Richard 1,943 posts
cam this is not a valid entry!
Sean, where is your entry? did you quit yet?
has anybody been able to work on this?
hype 2,964 posts
i've been brainstorming ideas. I'm making something tonight if it KILLS me! My first try maybe look something like this:
Richard 1,943 posts
awsome! great idea! i was afraid of getting burgers and fries from evertone, but i totaly forgot about theses guys!
i won't be here this week, i'm off surfing in morocco, but when i come back, i expect to see a lot of entries from all of you!
flashmasterfong 238 posts
Hey guys heres mine.
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
hey that's looking good
flashmasterfong 238 posts
Would you even go as far to say that it looks 'delicious'?
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
let me put it this way i ordered mac as soon as i saw that ^_^ not kidding it got me hungry (i just didn't want to seem like glutton to people in this forum)
just to get the ball rolling.................
you've eaten this before, just without the tail
kilroy 787 posts
ya I had a a tail on my burger once........so have another buger to get me started......33 min.
ALi 608 posts
OMG! when new challenge started!? =((
When is the deadline?
anyway. cool entries so far.
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
in around a month i think
rrateme95 262 posts
I am so in.... im gonna go burger king for some inspiration
Cameron 2,374 posts
here's my entry.
Time: about 45 min
Richard 1,943 posts
haha! great job everyone!
you have a bit more than a week left!
now that i'm back i shall find time to have an entry myself...
Cameron 2,374 posts
Looking at mine on a different monitor and it's all blown out and overbright.
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
cam nice one but maybe just maybe add a chest to the guy, there is a tummy there is a tummy hole (forgot whats the name in English
) but no cheat xD
belly button
heehehhe tummy hole, i like that
krusty krab
Richard 1,943 posts
haha! awsome!
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
nice one dude, your really good in building environments and architecture.
rrateme95 262 posts
Haha that looks great! Wait one second... thats the krusty crab from spongebob! Awesome!
dpaint 15 posts
Hi all, I've been reading the boards here for a while & I thought I'd delurk with this noooodly entry.
Who said fast food has to be junk food?
Stats: 10 mins for the bowl and background, 25 for the noodles and veg, 5 for the chopsticks and 20 on rendering and shaders. Noodles were made with extruded circles bound to a Path Deform WSM in Max. The steam is a cheap 2d card.
Wireframes nothing special, spent more time getting a nice shader on the noodles than anything else
Burger and fries are cool, nice bevel on the fries flashmasterfong.
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Welcome dpaint
Nice stuff...good job to everyone else too!
Richard 1,943 posts
great noodles! welcome!
does anyone else plan on entering the speed?
rrateme95 262 posts
I wanna enter but im getting 3ds max student and i need to send in a copy of my ID and stuff first so I doubt i can enter
hype 2,964 posts
ugh! I will this weekend, i promise!!!
rrateme95 262 posts
Hey wait I might be able to enter, Im sending off the ID tomorrow and maybe the company will reply fast
no worries just use blenderrrrr!.....
rrateme95 262 posts
See the problem I have is that me and blender dont work together well
but now im gonna wip something up in google sketchup
rrateme95 262 posts
AHA I managed to do it in sketchup but it looks terrible hehe (it doesnt have edit poly!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but anyway it took twenty two mins (I havent used it in over a year) and I detailed the tomatoe (which is underneath the rest of the burger)
Heres a wireframe
ALi 608 posts
I forgot. I guess I'm outta this one. ah ah
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
right with u ali kinda finishing my final exit stuff from current job, good luck to the rest of yall
DarkNemos 197 posts
Is this still on?
Richard 1,943 posts
do you want to enter? if you do, i shall leave it open for a bit more, in fact, i'll close this at the end of the month...
DarkNemos 197 posts
Here is my entery. A burger
40 minutes of modeling. The clay isnt very good becayse you cannot see the details on the top half of the bread but it can be seen on the wire.