karnage 261 posts
Here is what I have so far on my website:
I am a web design noob so I am trying to keep it really simple. When I finish my reel it will be on the main page. More thumbnails will be added to the gallery and will be linked to the high res files.
Should I make the text for my resume bigger?
Diegio 1 posts
It looks good tough!
And no, you shouldn't make the resume text bigger.
Keep it up! I want to see the website when it's finished!
Richard 1,943 posts
it's nice simple and very visible... i think it works great!
a few things for you,
make your email adress as a text or at least a link, because if i want to send you a mail, it takes to much time for my lasy self to re write it, so i won't be sending you one, and i'd find somebody else do do the job...
also, you might want the whole page to fit the window with no scrolling... just a thought
i really like that design you have, and the colors works well... when i opened it the other day, i was like " hey that looks cool! should have done that for mine..."
g3org3 355 posts
I like the design and all. I know your a noob at webdesign, but I think you need to learn a little bit of HTML. Right now with everything being images it takes a long time to load.
If you want I can help you quickly with the HTML part of it, its quite easy to do actually.
karnage 261 posts
Thanks for the advice everyone. I am planning on making the header a bit smaller.
g3org3, I agree with you and I think I might put it together a little different. I just made the whole thing and then sliced it up in photoshop to make my buttons, but I think I will just make the header and the body and use hotspots or whatever they're called in dreamweaver... do you think that would be better?
Richard, thanks for reminding me about linking my e-mail. I totally forgot about that.
I'll let you all know when I update it next, which will probably be next week after all this senior show/graduation craziness.
g3org3 355 posts
I have few more critiques:
1.Your header has too much information. You don't need your contact information in the header since you have a contact page. Either get rid of the extra information in the header, or get rid of the contact page. No need for both.
2.For your resume page, I would suggest adding a download link for a PDF and Word Version of your resume. That just makes it a lot easier for the employer.
Now in terms of Coding:
You could use hot spots, but it would still be the problem of being an image.
Basically right now your site could be done in entirely HTML/CSS with the only images being your thumbnails. Then those thumbnail images would just have a link applied to them. Instead of hot spots. The advantage of doing it this way is that all solid colour, like the grey background is handled by the CSS, instead of it being an image which makes the site a lot smaller in terms of download size.. Then images are basically added over top of that background with HTML.
The navigation could be done in HTML as well. Images are fine for buttons, but right now your buttons are only text. So perhaps if your buttons had a bit more design to them they could be images, but right now its not necessary.
Tomorrow I will try to quickly throw up a template using HTML/CSS for you just to show you how it would be done.
g3org3 355 posts
I decided to help you out a little bit in terms of a way you will probably to make your site less image heavy with a no coding.
this first image is the settings you should do to all your slices that will be a solid colour. Such as the main background colour, before images are over top, and that purple. This will reduce file size by a lot. Basically what you do is double click on the slice you want to change, click no image. than choose the background colour for that slice
in the save for web& devices tab click on the edit output settings
this will bring up a dialog box. Go to the slices tab and make sure Generate CSS is selected. Now when you save for web all the slices that are no image will be coloured in with CSS instead of an image(*NOTE you must select a background colour for those slices though. If you leave it blank it will have nothing there.)
Now in dreamweaver I would select the individual images that are going to be the buttons and then use the link textbox to link your pages. So gallery button links to gallery.html. You can use the crosshair thingy and drag to the file on the right hand side of the screen under the files tab if you like.
and for images I would just insert the images in dreamweaver. First I would draw a new layer. Its under the Insert toolbar right beside common under Layout, Choose draw AP div(Division). Then select that layer, and then add an image to it. You can move it around and properly place it using the property panel.
karnage 261 posts
Wow thank you SO MUCH for all this info. I will try to fix this! I might be PMing you with questions! Thanks again!
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
one thing i like about ur site its simple and easy to just get to anything your looking for
karnage 261 posts
Newly updated. None of the links work right now but I got my reel on the front page. Just wanted to have something up there.
g3org3 355 posts
I like it. A few things though
1. You probably shouldn't have your reel on the first page. This forces your user to load it as soon as they get to your site. Perhaps instead have a screen shot of part of your reel on the first page, with a link to page with your reel on it. A good rule of webdesign is not to have to make the user load something they might not want.
2. There should be more space to the left of of the website its just to close to the edge of the browser. Perhaps adding a bit of a margin, or just center the design.
3.Your links are good and all, but all that text would be better off being text not an image. I know it is harder to do, but there are a few reasons for this. The main reason is, that way search engine bots can "read" your site. It also makes the site size bigger, although not much bigger. Lastly some people don't have images turned on in their browsers. This might be a really small number but you don't want to discriminate.
4.The links to be separated visually from the banner. So maybe a slightly off white background colour. Or add more space between them.
5. The copyright notice is just floating there, Its not justified in any ways. So i would suggest making it flush left or right, or center it.
Other that that I like it. Keep working on it.
karnage 261 posts
Thank you for your advice. I feel I'm getting better at attempt #2 but still a complete web noob. Another friend also said to center the whole page so I'll definitely do that. Once I make the gallery page I might move the reel there or just have a link to it from the front page.
Question... If I make the banner text and not an image am I limited to what fonts I can use? Also, do you think the banner is too big? And does the reel load fast for you?
g3org3 355 posts
If you need help with centering just ask. It sometimes takes a few tricks to get it right, so it works in all browsers. Stupid IE.
You are restricted. You can use any font that you want, but the problem is, if that if the user looking at your web page does not have that font it will revert to a different font. The banner should stay as an image. The links though, I would suggest making them text, then just bold the text. The reel loaded kind of quickly for me at home. It probably took about 1-2 minutes to load the entire thing.
hype 2,964 posts
I agree with the idea of moving your reel off the front page to keep it from automatically loading. I HATE going to websites and being forced to watch something/wait for something to load.
On a positive note, though, the color scheme you've picked is awesome! very, very pleasant to look at.
karnage 261 posts
Ohhhh okay gotcha. Banner as image, links as text. That makes sense. What text should I use? Do Macs and PCs both have arial as default?
Definitely going to move that reel like you both said. I forgot how much that bothers me, too. I hate when go to a page and forget about it and then all of sudden this loud music starts out of nowhere...
And yeah, Hype...I decided to change the colors from the gross gray/purple scheme. I always try to make things colorful and then quickly change them. For my first business card I used a hot pink logo (!?!?!?!). Two weeks later I changed it to black and white
g3org3 355 posts
hype 2,964 posts
karnage 261 posts