check it out!
comments and critiques are welcome
iest_rob 1,671 posts
Hey Nickolas! Welcome to SimplyCG!
Your site looks really nice, I'm personally a huge fan of dark websites, and yours looks really nice, clean, super efficient.
great demo reel too! I'm a huge fan of Tofu! He rocks!
g3org3 355 posts
I really like your work. I as well like dark websites.
The welcome page has nothing going for it right now. Theres nothing there for people to look at. Perhaps news or something similar.
Also the visited links colour doesn't stand out against the background very well. the light background image for the navigation doesn't seem to show up for the welcome page either.
The main content area should probably always stick to the bottom of the screen. Between pages it is a little bit shorter or longer and on the pages that there is a scroll it goes right to the bottom. This makes it feel likes its jumping around a bit.