I got so disappointed, I started to watch, saw the first frames, and thought, wow this is really well done, I can't wait to see whats happening.. and then... That's all????!!!!?!?!!? ) Very nice, makes ma wanna see a good sci-fi movie.
looks really nice, my only crit would be that i think the camera shake happens a couple frames too early. in space theres no air so nothing to make the camera shake at all but i understand its for dramatic effect, it just is a bit odd that it starts to shake before the ships even get to it
have to agree with ben. The camera shake feels as it startes a too early. And i would make the light that represents the world a bit stronger. Because the earth is huge and it would "shine" probably more. and the silhouette would be pronounced.
181 posts
02 Feb 2011
I agree about the camera shake but it looks very nice!