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The Graveyard
Photography Challenge Archive
60's are Back - Photography Challenge :-: Richard
1,943 posts
25 Apr 2008
reservin my spot, i shall be shooting next week!
hope to see a lot of people in!
1,943 posts
08 May 2008
here could be my entry, i'll see if i can shoot anything elses during the upcoming days:
seeing a little more people participate in the challenge would be a great thing, as it only takes about 5 minutes to take a photo
1,159 posts
09 May 2008
will have to think of something though cause yours is soo good i dont want to be a noob and post somthing simple, THINKING HARD (BRAIN FRIES UP)
great image ma man what is that your pc?
1,671 posts
28 May 2008
That's really awesome Rich! I'm gonna try and get something done tonight!
Do you think you're gonna be able to get some more done?
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