Hey Everybody!
The goal of this challenge is to have the photographer (you), showing somebody's vision that took drugs or alcohol. (and you do not have to drink or get stoned for this challenge)
it could be distortions, blurs, etc... but you are not allowed to do any postprod on your pictures, so no photoshoping what so ever (or any other softwares of that kind).
If you don't understand, i'll give some examples:
http://gorrias.neufblog.com/blabla/imag ... eoeil1.jpghttp://concerts.blogs.liberation.fr/eme ... live_2.jpghttp://www.skipass.com/photos/articles/37/312.jpgGuidelines/Rules
- No photos will be accepted that do not fit the theme.
- Only 1 photo will be voted upon per user, however users are encouraged to post many photos and have the decision influenced
by both their own choice as well as input from forum members.
- Selected photo must be announced before Challenge is over.
- No Extreme nudity will be accepted, though subtle artistic nudity may be posted but as a link, not as a direct image insert into
your thread. If you do post such work, warn users before hand stating what they'll be seeing and warning for adult only material.
- Challenge will end on the 25th of may, giving you a month and a bit.
- Users will vote on Entries based on the singular photo selected in their topic.
- Voting should be based on how well the user has captured the theme of the challenge, as well as
the quality, setup and portrayal of the artwork in their opinions.
Now get shootin' everyone!