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3D Studio Max
3d Studio Max - Maxscript
Select objects with same name as current selection
2 posts
04 Mar 2009
Hi Guys,
I want to click a button that selects all objects with the same name as my currently selected object.
This will select all objects with tree in the name:
for i in $*tree* do selectmore i
so I tried:
myselect = $.name
for i in $(myselect) do selectmore i
and several variants of syntax but can't get it to work.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Leigh
4,196 posts
04 Mar 2009
Was searching cgtalk for a bit of assistance, since I always have trouble with name literals, and noticed you got your answer over there already
Anyways, welcome to the board.
2 posts
05 Mar 2009
Yeah, it's sparked quite a long thread, havn't had chance to test it yet.
Here's the thread if anyone else is looking for it:
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