james120479 20 posts
Does anyone know if a script exists that will allow me to modify the look-at constraints for multipe objects at one time? The problem i am having is that i need to apply 'look-at' constraints to a large selection of objects, which i can do in one go but then i need to change the lookAt axis but can only do this one object at a time which will take a fair while. I want to be able to change for many objects in one click.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
james120479 20 posts
Richard 1,943 posts
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
james120479 20 posts
james120479 20 posts
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
james120479 20 posts
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
james120479 20 posts