Hey everyone, i've been pretty impressed wtih all of the tutorials and stuff going on here latley. I wanted to contribute to it so I asked Tyson what he thought would be good and he suggested making a video tutorial on how to do some of the rigging tricks and methods i picked up or discovered latley.
This tutorial goes over how to make a stretchy tentacle in 3D Studio Max. It also covers a new rigging technique I learned over at Siggraph this year from the people working on Open Season.
This tutorial covers a tentacle process start to finish, but some of these techniques are the same ones i use for spines, arms and legs. Understanding some of these i cover can be used in many situations so take a look.
Below is a 30 meg zip folder that has the max file, the video, and a script that i used to make it with. The compression is pretty strong so i'll be adding another less compressed one tomorow sometime.
I also have been thinking of doing a facial rigging tutorial with strength emphasised on creating a GUI for your character. Let me know what you think or would like me to cover, i'll probably do that next weekend. Enjoy!
how can i reset the tentacle with it's original rotation, position and every thing, or do i have to move it all manualy?
thank you plenty for this, it is really usefull
188 posts
13 Nov 2006
It is really easy, if you zero-ed out your controlers, just down at the bottom of max you can manually type in their rotations and such. swithch to gimball, and change all of your rotations to zero and it will go back to its default rotations.