Ok been working on the site a bit today main focusing on content images.
Style im looking for is images that pop out at you, kinda playing around with the High definition idea. Well anyway wanted to show you some progression on an image i did today. Basically i provide my own stock images so everything is watermarked so no one can steal it, internet these days people steal stuff left right and center.
First shot is the chosen image, took the photo on rooftop at work lol
Was nice sunny day so the lighting would fit with the nice sunny background on the website. Heres the image i took. Composition isnt all to great was mainly trying to get the correct parts in focus and the content within the shot that i needed.
I then put the shot in photoshop, keep in mind this image is somthing crazy like 3000x4000 odd resolution so everything has been scaled down. Ive done ALOT to this image, cutting parts out, adding parts in, colour correction, perspective correction on words, shadowing an saturation, basically trying to make sure it works well on a transparent background.
Finally i had some stock laying about from the duperoom site i made so i used this to get that page peel effect, i wanted to achieve this effect because i wanted to show the idea that the whole website is just 2d but the camera gear and our work is always top notch and really stands out from the rest. The image has been shrunk down and i added the blue background just to show it working, the whole thing can be layed over any background as long as you change the paper colour.
Its been uploaded to the site, but i wouldnt advise looking at it because i need to alter the layout a bit, ive got some 3d work i need to do tommorow, the whole bee idea i think would work so im modeling a 3d Hive for some bees to fly out of.