ar LutiK 455 posts
Ok here's what I wanna do
I wanna make an animated web comic, but I know nothing about web design
My goal is to have a page with frames (like a comic page) but when you click on a frame it starts animating, could be a quicktime or even something like a slide show, I would of loved to do it in flash but my cel shader only saves the line info in swf, and that won't do.
So if you have ideas, please post, I'm gonna try to check this post every day
Thanx for your help
David Holy 302 posts
Ok there is no problem with swf you know? Simply take it as a swf file and load it into flash or swish as imported file.
Its very ease you take a picture and use a rollover effect to start the animated sequence. If you will send me the stuff i would do it for you. I suppose it s not more than one hour of work for each panelpage.
ar LutiK 455 posts
Thanx mate
But I made major change, I'm gonna go with simple html and animated.gif cause I want it compatible with PSP
David Holy 302 posts
PSP? You mean Playstation Portable ?