Richard 1,943 posts
Okay guys, before we grab our pens and brushes, we need ideas, so open your hearts, brains and let your imagination flow to some really nice challenge ideas.
Since we are at it, what would you guys think about having challenges without tablets from times to times? And just use pencils, brushes, gouache, etc...
nux 199 posts
cool. 2d challenges... i lie the idea, you can count on me to be joining some of these in the future. the current topic doesn't really interest/inspire me, but a future one for sure.
any of the following might be fun:
character design
original vehicle design
realistic replication
Maria 164 posts
nux 199 posts
precicely! i'm really looing forward to these challenges, i've not done any 2d for ages now.
quinn paynter 356 posts
Well im glad to see a 2d section up. Sucks I was too busy to get mine done though I have an idea for the next challenge. Life drawing is a GREAT skill for us to learn as the human body is what we work alot with. I think we should have a character life drawing competition. Poses, person walking, nudes up too you. As for 2d and 3d it is an essential skill, and some studios like disney and pixar even hold these classes for their staff, 2d and 3d. I was always taught that even if drawing cartoons, life drawing comes first ^_^
So I vote we start next with some serious life drawings, nudes, up to you. And then like onto cloth. Then the human face ect.What does everyone else think?
iest_rob 1,671 posts
Yeah definatly man - i'd be well up for life drawing. I havent done life drawing for a good solid 2 years, and i really really need to get my skills back up again. I think it would be great, it would be cool if we could have like a 'scetchbook' thread for everyone, where everyone posts all their work into their sketchbook.
Good one Quinn.
nux 199 posts
yeah, life-drawing would be cool. hard to get the real experience of having a model infront of you on internet forum challenges, but some good references wouldn't be too hard to come by.
pictures of dancers (ballerinas or something) would be a good place to start.
it would be cool too if we had some purely traditional challenges, like this life-drawing thing, but it can't be done on the compy, no wacoms, only pencils and papers, and the images have to be scanned or made digital through a webcam or a digi-cam.
quinn paynter 356 posts
Yeah man for sure I think only paper materials would be best. Pencil, Chalk, charcoal and pastel whateva. Internet refs are good, but dont forget to go to the park or the beach and draw people too. We used to always do this back at animation school. The drawings dont have to be "DETAILED" but give good flow and movement or guesture. I recommend doing whole characters too not just mid bodies. Hands and feet are something many people hate to draw
Hopefully if Maria and Richard are fine with it, I'd like to post a new life drawing competition. Starting with people, maybe later cloth ect ect.
But have to see if they let me first T_T
Richard 1,943 posts
flashmasterfong 238 posts
Yeah, I would love to see a new 2d challenge sometime soon.
quinn paynter 356 posts
nux 199 posts
i say we get a new 2d challenge going quick-time.
it would be fun to do some character design challenge. like concept art stuff. pick a theme then create a character to fit with it.