Hey everyone, it's time for the next challenge.
This time around it's a light-hearted Character Animation challenge.
The theme for this challenge is "Ouch!!!" and the goal is to animate a central character coming across some immense hurt.
Any source of pain is acceptable from a self-imposed accident, another character who gleefully (optional) inflicts pain on your protagonist or even a swarm of angry bees intent on causing mischief. It's up to you.
You can be as gorey and realistic as you like, but if you feel your scene is a little traumatic and may cause a bit of a stir please append a warning to your post alerting the humble viewer to what lies ahead.
-Animation must be less than 1 minute in length.
-Stop-motion, 2d or 3d animations will be accepted
-Live footage may be used as a plate, or for additional effects, but the central character(s) must be animated by you. (We by no means allow you to go on a rampage inflicting harm to real people and posting your results here for a submission. That includes you Richard!
-You must have fun
Contest will end November 30