1st place: Ivanisavich 2nd place: Ravi 3rd place: Gotmilk
Great job to everyone who entered! It was great to see so much participation!
Since I'm an admin, I can't win prizes...which means that the prize of a simplycg t-shirt goes to Ravi! So, ravi...PM me with your contact info and we'll ship it out ASAP.
To the rest of ya...look forward to the next challenge!
520 posts
23 Aug 2008
Congrats everyone. The work in this challenge was fantastic! ~Mechis
228 posts
23 Aug 2008
Congratulation's everyone. Cant wait for the next challenge
@ Ravi, we will be waiting a lot of pictures of you with SimplyCg T-shirt
WOW!! This is awesome, and unexpected!! I will definetely pimp this T-shirt when I get it Congrats to all who participated, really nice entries!! Cheers!!