d4rk3lf (d4rk3lf) has entered the challenge: Black Hole - VFX Challenge
109 posts
21 Jun 2007
This entry has been updated.
I have worked for the last 2 days on it.
The story:
2 spaceship patrol and accidentally found broken ship. They shoot on him for the fun, but the broken ship turns into some small shiny spot, then into the black hole and swallow the ships. At the end the dark hole again transforms into the broken ship, waiting other visitors.
Now, I have almoust finished the swallowing part.
Don't know if I will have the time to finish it... if not, then this will my final entry.
Looks really nice. i like the camera works. very well done.
109 posts
01 Jul 2007
Thanks a lot guys...
Unfortunatly I didn't menage to finish this one. I was sick before few days, and when I was better, yesterday i drink a lot.
I wanted to work today, but my head is to heavy.