hype 2,964 posts
Sean (hype) (hype) has entered the challenge: Super Powers - VFX Challenge
hype 2,964 posts
hype 2,964 posts
Richard 1,943 posts
hype 2,964 posts
ok, maybe i changed my mind. I may go with a different idea. Back to something Force-like.
maybe. sometime soon i'm gonna have to make up my mind!
quinn paynter 356 posts
Similar to me, im busy and have to change my ideas to fit in my time left
Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
hype 2,964 posts
i'm thinking about maybe doing an idea I had back on the old water challenge. I would pick up a glass of water and dump it out in mid air, then catch the water with my super powers and suspend it, moving it around, playing with it, then finally letting it drop.
but i don't know. that sounds a little too easy and boring. i don't know.
effstops 83 posts
Too easy? What?! Hah, I wish I could say that.
I think all of your ideas so far are awesome, and not very "plain" or boring at all. I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with.
hype 2,964 posts
This entry has been updated.
Here's a preview of my geometry line-up for the easiet of my ideas. Obviously, I'll be using that geometry as particle targets for what will eventually be water.
I also shot some footage of myself and the Hollywood sign in case I feel the need to try my other idea, my earth-changing idea. But it's not looking likely. I'll be happy with this water one, if everything goes as planned.
mechis 520 posts
hype 2,964 posts
This entry has been updated.
here's a first shot at the water mesh. keep in mind this is right out of Max, so there's no holdout rotos, motion blur, color matching, grain, things like that. Just seeing if the particle were working and checking on the material. I think I'm happy with the material, but the shape needs to move a little faster, more kinetic or something.
hype 2,964 posts
oh, and that PWrapper watermark will not be there either.
Cameron 2,374 posts
Wow thats freaky fun.
Done with such glee, good to see.
quinn paynter 356 posts
Pretty cool, kinda reminds me of Subzero from Morkat Kombat though its water not ice, now all you need is a mask and some ninja clothes
Claymation 600 posts
Haha, we tried watching mortal kombat: annihilation at work during lunch the other day, we could only stand about 20 minutes before we stopped, it was that bad!
Looking good Hype! I'd like to see the water react a little more organic, like parts of it are almost forming arms and moving those arms towards your hands, just so it looks more alive, i dunno.
hype 2,964 posts
cool idea Clay! I was gonna try and tame it down a bit from the blobby mess it is now, but maybe having some forms come out of it would be cool!
and quinn, you gave me a great idea - what if it turns to ice! like right near the end, it'll flash-freeze, then a big chunk of ice will just fall to the ground. Cool!
thanks for the feedback guys!
Claymation 600 posts
OOOOHhhh!!! If you could refilm it at all, you could have it fall to the ground and then act like it hit your foot and scream in pain!
Whoa man, that's really neat! Are you gonna mask out the stuff that's on top of the mug?
hype 2,964 posts
absolutely, jacpues, and anywhere my fingers pass in front of it. and that dumb PWrapper logo.
hype 2,964 posts
Claymation 600 posts
hype 2,964 posts
hype 2,964 posts
oh, i should also mention that i didn't spend too much time on the audio (obviously), and that at the end I turn it into ice with a frosty blast of super power!
i know, the whole thing coulda been better... i'm just happy i finished!
iest_rob 1,671 posts
whaaabamb 615 posts
mechis 520 posts