I agree with Global - filled would have been great, but regardless, great track!
I also agree with you, not quite there on the lighting. If you look right when he picks it up, just as its on his shoulder, his arm shirt, and shorts are very definitely receiving direct sun from the very front. The shadow on the back of his arm is almost black. The object itself seems to have a more general overall light, with no distinct spec side (specular) and shadow side. The colors of it look good, it's just more about getting some directional light in there, and some shadows.
Also, his shoulder should have the brights removed. If that was sitting on his shoulder, no light would be reaching the shirt fabric it was sitting on. Garbage roto the shoulder, hold out the arm from it, and do a luma key in that roto of the brights on the shoulder, and use that to CC (color correct) them down.
Sorry if I went a little in depth there on the critique.
It's a great piece, and I'd love to see you take it that last 10% to make it perfect!