rockgem3d 6 posts
Good day everyone. This is my first post here in simply cg and i just thought i should post what i'm recently working on.
Here is a wip of my workstation.
i still have a lot of things to model like the table that the cpu sits on and the black box in front of the wacom, which is a proxy for my home stereo.
update: 09-02
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Hey, that's looking great! I had to do a double-take because at first I thought it was a photo! I'm curious what that black box besides the screens is...
Claymation 600 posts
rockgem3d 6 posts
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
rrateme95 262 posts
Its looking great! I dunno about you guys and the black box, but I get dibs on the blackberry...
rockgem3d 6 posts
thanks rrateme95. i know it's still far from finished so i hope to update this thread over the weekend.
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
cool stuff
Cameron 2,374 posts
Yeah i had the same double take.. was like awesome setup.. then hold up, 3d? whole new level of ausom!!!
rockgem3d 6 posts
thanks mahmoudnahmad and Cameron. i just posted a quick update on my first post. i hope to add more detail and tweak the lighting and textures in the next couple of days when i have time.
hype 2,964 posts
Wow, man, that's looking amazing! Very realistic!
You know, at some point we're going to ask to see a wireframe!
Zentron 76 posts
Very, very nice.... you even have the same stereo system as me. How weird is that?
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
The update is looking great!
rrateme95 262 posts
Wow its looking great, especially the proxy
zachm 1,230 posts
that looks really good man, I do have one crit though and it's early at this point, so forgive me if it's a fix in the works. The stereo bugs me a bit. To me it feels like it's too green compared to the computer, which has a nice range of color in it. I feel like you should neutralize the lighting for your texture maps on the stereo as well so that there isn't lighting baked into the texture. It's going to look weird compared to everything else if you dont I think. I'd say in this scenario, just let a shader to the coloring for the box, and use a texture map for the lcd displays on the stereo. But yeah, if i'm wrong, then disregaurd this completely. Other than that picky hangup, it's looking great, keep going man!
kilroy 787 posts
say that is very real looking ..I mean man I had to do the same and look again. Very nice man. My I ask, did you use Vray or MR ?
Keep use posted great stuff man.