Richard 1,943 posts
here is the first pic i took with my new light system, it also is the first pic i took with non natural lighting
and here is a pic of what my room looks like with my "impromptu" studio
more should be comming soon, i'll drop them in here too.
hum... maybe i should be doing 3D again sometime soon... it's been ages! but i just really really like photography!
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
looking good i actually scooped most of the stuff i see in your room (how do you live its cramped like hell) from amazon waiting to head back home to think about making a small fun studio
Richard 1,943 posts
thank you for your contructive crit!
JayG 1,164 posts
Awesome man, reminds me of those big pictures in that store we went to when I was getting Emily those clothes. =)
Richard 1,943 posts
i'll take that as a compliment! thank you very much!
although, the guys where not licking their thumbs...
JayG 1,164 posts
It does seem a little darker in comparison, though they were in full color wearing bright greens and pinks, etc.