Archer 65 posts
Ok here are some photos that I took for Various school assignments this year, I hope you enjoy them.
First up is a photo project about our state so I decided to take some photos of Vevey
Vevey photos
This is the river "Veveyes" I probably spelt it wrong, on the left is an old train factory and further down is a nuclear research facility that I got in trouble with for taking photos of the building...
Here is a photo from above of the type of train that I had to take everyday to lausanne, It's called the IR and i've had many interesting trips on it, but we rarely see it from above.
I was by a church and I found this building rather interesting so I decided to take a photo of it but the road was very slanted to I couldn't get my tripod level so I got this interesting effect, my photo teacher liked it so thats cool.
Here I wanted to take a photo of the depot across the tracks but out of no where a cargo train blazed past and I thought my photo was ruined but to my surprise it came out rather nice.
B26? For some reason I found this sign very interesting the 2 lights look like eyes and I had to take a photo of it.
This was another photography project and my theme was hearts, before I left honduras I tried to get all my friends to sign my skateboard and jessy left this heart on it so I took a photo of it.
This was an image worskshop project and the theme was imagine, so I imagined that light was alive and played around with a bicycle light to get this photo
Lake Leman
This is a graphism project, I ended making a book with these photos, here's a long exposure photo a swan on the lake
In vevey during the summer people like to build stone scupltures so I took a photo of this one, it was hard to get to it because the tide was high but I think it was worth it
Here's another photo of the sculptures, but smaller ones, you can see the tide is rising because I enjoyed taking the photos at night.
On my way to a concert I saw this and I had to take a photo of it but I didn't have my tripod so I improvised and I was really happy with the result and this ended up being the cover of my graphism booklet, my friends like it a lot too.
Aden 622 posts
The last one is superb!!! I love that one, really mysterious!
Cameron 2,374 posts
Wow I really like that last one!
hype 2,964 posts
yeah, great pics! i agree with everyone as well, that last one is stunning.
your "imagine" pic made me think of this...
(be sure and let them load)
http://tochka.jp/pikapika/2006/06/repor ... ijoji.html
iest_rob 1,671 posts
Hey - yeah, seriously awsome pics here man. Really like that last one. Can i ask what setting do you put on the appeture to get
a) the Imagine picutres to come out like that
b) the waves to blend so nice like that? - I definatly must get out more with my camera.
Good job man!
zachm 1,230 posts
Yeah man, "Imagine" was awesoeme, And the last one. It's kinda creepy that there would be a shopping cart there.