Hey guys, I just wanna make all my work in AE 640x480. But when I import files of that size they alil big. Instead of scaling everything down how do I change the AE sizing to the 640x480 that I want?
The files you import are not the same pixel ratio as your compo, just change it in interpret footage/main
hope it helps, use to have the same problem when I started AFX
Artflame Noir
172 posts
14 May 2007
ok step by step..
import footage..
in the project window right click on it and choose interpret footage..
set it up the way you want it (pixel ration and stuff)
make a new comp and set it's size to 640x480
put your footage in..
select the footage and in the layer menu (on the top) go to transform - fit to comp
if it looks a bit bonzo, change the pixel ratio in comp settings..
and run along.
quinn paynter
356 posts
14 May 2007
Cheers, but no worries guys I figured it out Sorry for the hassle but thanks for the advise. Just took me a while to get my head back around AE. Been a lil while since I used it ^___^