so over at CGTalk, in a thread in the Max forum, someone mentioned using Blender to do a water simulation, because now a bridge exists between Max and Blender.
This got me kinda intrigued, so I started reading up on Blender a bit, including checking out the new Fluid Training DVD
And at the Blender website, if you look in the features list, it's pretty shocking. It does EVERYTHING. It's on every operating system (some i've never heard of - Free BSD 5.4???). You can sculpt in it like Mudbox & ZBrush. it has physics, cloth, hair, everything the big ones have. and you can see Colin's character rig in the challenge section - it's pretty dang amazing!
I'm really kinda wanting to check it out. if only as a fluid simulator! i'm mean, we've all known about Blender for a long time, but I don't think i've ever actually read through every feature. it's unbelievably impressive.
i wonder why more people aren't using it? or more studios? perhaps it's the fact that it's free, and if it's free, it can't possibly have all the features of a multi-thousand dollar program. yet it seems to.
what do you guys think? why aren't more people using it? why aren't YOU using it? what do you think of it?