Here's what i've gathered so far, And it's already been stated that vfx is better with a quadro card. This is absolutely true, and it's true because of the software running that highend card, it's being developed by people who have experience developing for VFX facilities, writing drivers for those cards to do what they need to do at VFX facilities, and it's not boosting framerates so you can frag your coworkers more efficiently. And while gamer cards are boosting performance like never before and allowing you to shift from spinning a ton of stuff around in openGL, they are being developed on the software end with an entirely different purpose in mind. Now we are starting to see shifting from the games side to the vfx side, and i'm interested to see which way it goes, with the new developments from Nvidia, but yeah man, if you're doing vfx and have access to a good quadro card, stick with that. You're going to have better support for your 3d apps with it. If you want to play games, an 8800 should be fine.