Claymation 600 posts
Has anybody here ever worked with mocap data before? I might be tasked with "cleaning up som mocap data", and was wondering what all that might entail. I've never touched mocap before, so have no idea what to expect.
BColbourn 2,323 posts
gonna warn ya now. its nt a fun learning process. basically just learn motion builder and how to animate on layers.
zachm 1,230 posts
It's not thaaaat bad, you just have to go through and pick out spikes in the animation and retarget the curve data. If you've ever gone back and forth from max to maya animating, or vice versa using fbx to export and import curve data, it's somewhat like that.
diemacht 1,045 posts
its almost daily bussines since i work at a mocap studio and zach did really said most essential stuff about it.
(almost because i dont really work with the mocap guys here but help from time to time)
JayG 1,164 posts
Yeah it's mainly just cleaning spikes and really odd places in the anim. Sometimes IK mishaps can happen since the math and mocap don't always mix so you clean those up. Generally just making everything not suck. It will be keyed on 1's and usually at a rediculous frame rate upwards of 100fps at times. Have fun!