Nforce 65 posts
Hey guys, i have a weird request for ya!
I NEED to move verts on a skinned model. If you have ever tried it, they have weird transforms on it as in X axis moves on the Y axis, and weird stuff like that. I found that clusters will work, but i don't want 1300 clusters on my model!! haha.
So any insight into this would be awesome!
Global 1,589 posts
You'll need to use clusters or some other deformer to move verts if you already have the mesh skinned. I can't think of any reason you'd need to have 1300 clusters! But if you want to move things vertex by vertex one suggestion would be to use a blendshape - have the blend always on and manipulate the vertices in the blendTarget.
Nforce 65 posts
Well this is late but it was just the INPUT order i needed to change. The TWEAK node needs to be ABOVE the SKIN CLUSTER. Just thought id share.