kilroy 787 posts
hey let's do a 3d Challenge............come on T...............
DarkNemos 197 posts
That would be nice...
Richard 1,943 posts
well what would you want for a challenge?
submit ideas then we will pick if we have enought participants.
Cameron 2,374 posts
Yeah T, lets get a challenge already!
Richard 1,943 posts
oh wow camscoman! way to go!
d4rk3lf 109 posts
Why not challenge about achieving nice lightning without using any GI, or any external render but just scanline (max), or maya software render, or whatever basic render engine that comes with program?
I haven't seen anywhere lightning challenge that is restricked this way, and it would be very interesting to see results from expirienced members, and to share some knowlegde.
Richard 1,943 posts
i really like the character creation that we had here a while ago, where eatch step was a challenge... we would go from modelling, all the way to animation with a challenge for eatch steps, over a month or two period...
sanyilajos 58 posts