Hey all, just an update.
Done a trial run with cafepress, and it looks like they dish out some pretty darn good quality merchandise, so lets kick it off shall we?
I've made one t-shirt design so far, pretty simple, logo on dark colour shirt.
3 colours to choose from, I sampled out the green one as I thought it'd be the biggest tester and it turned out great. Even got a hot australian man-of-the-year calander model to pose for me in it, see below:
Anyhow you can grab the standard shirts from there as is, but I want to bring out some more of them in different kinds of shirts, jumpers, underwear e.t.c, but primarily different designs. I could definately do with some design ideas, or if you want me to throw your designs straight into our store then just let me know and we'll sort it out.
MAJOR HEADS UP: Run a google search for cafepress promo codes, can take pretty good discounts off their stuff, so go nuts.
Anyhow, the link to our store is at:
Once we get a few more items in there i'll create a shopfront on simplycg here and tie it in.