ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Hey guys,
So as some of you noticed, a few posts went missing in the last 24 hours. This same thing happened about a month or two ago. I'm not sure why but I have suspicions it has to do with the User Approval mod we have installed for phpbb here. Basically, in the admin panel, the mod allows us to view pending (and hidden) posts made by new members, and then either activate the member or delete them. This is why you guys don't see any of the spam posts that bots make here.
Anyways, when you choose to delete a user in the queue (because they're a spambot, or whatever), the mod runs through and deletes all of their posts as well. But....my guess is there's some problem with the way it searches out those user's posts and sometimes a rogue legit post gets erased too.
I'm going to look into either upgrading that mod or getting a new one. For now, I'll refrain from using it. Sorry for the inconvenience....PM me if you notice legit posts being deleted, and if you found one of your own posts missing, feel free to post it again!
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Looks like the bug may have popped up again...I noticed one of my posts went missing.......
If anyone else saw one of their's disappear, please PM me. Cheers.