terry 37 posts
Well guys, it's been a while since I've seen any of your pretty faces
so I figured I'de put one of these up (hope it's okay Cam/Tyson).
Anyway here's a pic from when I bailed out of a golf cart into the mud a few weeks ago (notice the beer, it had a big part in that).
And here's a picture of me and a friend at my cousins wedding this summer.
And if any of you need a place to upload pictures you can just put them here:
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Here's me at work
BColbourn 2,323 posts
russian hat + cat
after the snowboarding accident:
after the car accident that same year:
8 bones in one year >.<
Cameron 2,374 posts
Here's me:
Sorry about the quality, each was taken with a mobile phone.
Will update when I get access to a digicam.
troubadour 207 posts
Hi Folks,
just found that thread over at 3dstudio about your opinions about the forum, and was glad that tyson mentioned a new one you guys started some time ago. didn't know that but after some searching i finally found it.
read some threads around here and think this is already a better place than the3dstudio had ever been for over the last couple of years...
hope you let me join
i think this is the right thread to introduce myself
thats me:
ok, stop the music, let's make some 3d
glad to be here
my city
this photo was took during lunch in the shopping center! lol came out good as if it prepared in a studio
the model doesnt help it, but the lighting is good!
Weider 281 posts
Finally, I'm at time.
BColbourn 2,323 posts
ok you're right, you look nothing liek dave attell
Weider 281 posts
hahahaha!! But I "shaved" my hair, not completly but almost.
Aden 622 posts
BColbourn 2,323 posts
i demand pictures of tyson's studio work place
Aden 622 posts
Me too!!!
Toni 65 posts
Haha, nice shirt Cam.
how did your encouter with that cheeseburger work out?
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Ok, here are some pics
Toni 65 posts
awesome place tyson, i wish my office would be so cool
what are you workstation specs?
is that a waterpipe on your desk
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Hahaha...yeah it looks like one eh
...No...it's a pretty useless lamp that someone put on my desk for no reason. I just haven't gotten around to throwing it out the window yet
System specs aren't too bad...
Dual AMD 2100
1 Gig Ram
Some kinda fancy NVidia card....
It's really the renderfarm in the back room (not pictured) that does the magic though
We've got about a dozen Dual AMD renderslaves that chug through frames all day and night
Weider 281 posts
Yes I agree, nice place Tyson. Hope you enjoy your new job (your chair is better than mine
Global 1,589 posts
Hehe - It certainly looks like you have a bong sat on your desk - great for those moments where all other inspiration has failed!
Well anyways, here is me (well me and one of the girls that work in admin upstairs) I would post pictures of the office area but it's an utter mess right now and in no way photogenic (apart from all the girls that work in admin upstairs... ahem)
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Woah...dude...you look so different with short hair! :O When did that happen??
Aden 622 posts
Global 1,589 posts
Ummm this might be a little too early in our relationship for me to show you myself... but here 's me !
This is one from outside our studio, where we had a few days to spend photocopying rediculously large copies of our faces
and me at a camp fire... ahh. natural lighting !
g3org3 355 posts
Well here I am in a fur shop in greece. IT was weird because they took a bus of students to a fur shop where the cheapest things there were 400 euro so no one bought anything. I decided to goof off with the hat, then more people started copying me so a few of decided to take a picture. I have another one where I probaly am wearing upwards of 5,000 euros worth of stuff, but its quite embarassing.
Just so you know that Boa or whatever its called was like 400 euros alone. O and im on the very left
heres later in the same day when we wnet somewhere which i forget now. Me and my friend ran up the entire thing. Then raced some people from spain. It was pretty sweet.
That studio looks like a very nice place to work in. Nothing like i would of expected, very very nice. I love that kitchen. How many people do you work with there?
ptaverner 379 posts
I'll have to take some pix this weekend ( Before I die! ) ( I'm probably the oldest one here! )
looool funny idea, putting the photos on the windows
BColbourn 2,323 posts
damn tyson i envy you so much right now
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Yeah that photo-on-the-window idea is really cool!
It's pretty fun to see the people walking past and staring at the windows
It's become a huge tourist attraction! Ha! Some people even take pictures of it. My office is right at the corner of the building, to the left of my pic, and I get to see all the people staring:D It's pretty funny.
I'd put up pics of inside, but I'm affraid it's not that neat and tidy, we're more of a messy bunch here:D
Weider 281 posts
Was that one for me Wieder? If it was, no, it's in Halifax:D
jigu 90 posts
here is me guys::
check out my some pics. which r done using macromedia flash 6.
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Heheheh...nice one jigu!
The 2nd one is funny
Cameron 2,374 posts
Alright Thats me.
and thats why people call me "Kidney" John
Yes they ARE real
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
No waaay!
Cameron 2,374 posts
BColbourn 2,323 posts
olli96 30 posts
here is my little contribution...
me, my girlfriend and son:
global, where are you staying in thailand ? i was living in chiang mai for 1 1/2 year, lovely city.
Cameron 2,374 posts
can Ride + Tyson explain these please?
Is there something you two arent telling us?
Toni 65 posts
muahahaha that's trully frightning
BColbourn 2,323 posts
Franklyn 553 posts
ahha ...heres me. btw any pictures you may find of me in a sumo stance are doctored.
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Are ya comfy Cam??
troubadour 207 posts
good one
BColbourn 2,323 posts
you asked for it cam:
and franklyn kind of asked for it:
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Oh man......Franklyn's worked perfectly!!
Weider 281 posts
hahahah nice one Cam !!!
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
The one with ridestowe looks like those creepy girls in the "windowlicker" video by Chris Cunningham...
*tdot shivers*
Franklyn 553 posts