Richard 1,943 posts
says it all, mine is on the twelve of may, i'l just add the users in the post as soon as there is new ones...
diemacht - March 30th
Richard - May 12th
mahmoudnahmad - June 1st
MikeWilson - August 4th
iest_rob - August 5th
Zachm - November 21st
Hype - November 22nd
Tyson - December 17th
iest_rob 1,671 posts
Mines on August 5th. Good times.
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Dec. 17
zachm 1,230 posts
Nov 21 baby!
hype 2,964 posts
zach - no way! i'm Nov 22!
MikeWilson 638 posts
August 4
diemacht 1,045 posts
ok im the one till now who has a complete different birthdate than august or november
march 30
Richard 1,943 posts
T or cam would you mind making this a sticky? or at least till we get everyones birthday... thanks
Richard 1,943 posts
thanks whoever did that
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
jun 1st
g3org3 355 posts
June 13th
whaaabamb 615 posts
another scorpio in the house
Nov. 16 and this one coming up is 21!!!
July 30, like Aaaaaahnold
Franklyn 553 posts
April 13th.
troubadour 207 posts
may 30
we've got an old folk song here in germany that titles
"on may 30 is the end of the world"
does that mean anything?
Global 1,589 posts
November 27th... 1875...
Cameron 2,374 posts
Troubs, yeah it does mate, it means you bring about the same amount of good fortune as the rest of us!
Globes, no way dude, I was born in 1876!!! Wow
May 8 right here
ALi 608 posts
ar LutiK 455 posts
mahmoudnahmad 1,159 posts
whaaabamb 615 posts
BColbourn 2,323 posts
iest_rob 1,671 posts
Lol - your sig cracks me up everytime Ridey
?@m 41 posts
21th Oct
Craig 63 posts
25th October
Maria 164 posts
October 24th, so close.
ALi 608 posts
puh, no other one is born in Jan!!!
diemacht 1,045 posts
well i was expected on 1. april
but i did a joke and came 2 days earlier but then it couldn be the 1.april joke couse it was march so i m very confused
Richard 1,943 posts
i came out two month early now thats a surprise, and i almost came out whn i was 5 month old, thats even better...
BColbourn 2,323 posts
ptaverner 379 posts
Dec.14 ( before the calendar was invented )
kilroy 787 posts
Jan 17 ........old as dirt.
Swatje 19 posts
20-07 youngster...
PolecatIV 51 posts
12th February, close to S. Valentine!
Cameron 2,374 posts
My bday is quite often on mothers day. I can't wait till i'm a mother so I can celebrate them both at the same time!!!
Global 1,589 posts
Cameron 2,374 posts
Neejoh 126 posts
I'm almost there, 29th of october
quinn paynter 356 posts
Oct 24th
JayG 1,164 posts
June 16th.
mine is usually on Father's Day so I got ya beat Cam.
MikeWilson 638 posts
August 4!
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Happy birthday to me
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Ooo and a couple of belated ones for hype and zach!
Here's a cake I baked, showing both of your likenesses combined!
JayG 1,164 posts
Not your birthday yet on the west coast, otherwise I'd sing for ya. Sorry!
Global 1,589 posts
Yay! Happy Birthday T!
Here's a picture of a cake I didn't bake for your birthday... or anyones birthday...
as you can see, I don't bake cakes.
So how old is that then anyhoos?... is it time to don the man-nappies yet?
g3org3 355 posts
You know you are bored in the morning when at 2:52 am your post about your b-day. The only reason I know it was your b-day was because of facebook. its a life saver some times for b-days
ivanisavich 4,196 posts
Hahah you got it man....I'm working a late night and got nothing better to do while rendering.
Cameron 2,374 posts
Wow, sweet 16... you finaly made it.
Welcome to manhood captain T-bag.
Richard 1,943 posts
iest_rob 1,671 posts