iwkya 61 posts
Hi guys,
I have some tank tracks all wired up working great, wheels turning too etc. I want to link them to a dummy and wire the whole thing up to the dummy position, so that when I move the dummy, the whole rig moves and tracks work with rotating wheels. When i do this, it does work great (dummy x pos to wheel Y rotation), but it only wires to world axis, and when i rotate the whole thing and move the dummy, it doesn't work because it now on the wrong axis. So what i want is to link the local x pos to the wheel, can i do this with wires ??
iwkya 61 posts
Sorted it. Found that using a simple expose transform helper does the trick.
flashmasterfong 238 posts
Ahhh I see, I'm thinking about setting up a model tank for animation. Do you know of any good tutorials for tank setup for animation? I use 3ds max 8.